Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Hubs is growing a moustache.

Not just any moustache.  The 'Business Man'.

And not for just any reason.  Movember.

If you are not familiar with Movember it started in Australia in 2003 as a fun way to raise awareness about men's health.  Since then it has spanned the world and last year alone over 255, 000 people participated and raised $47 million for prostate cancer!  Canada ranked number two after Australia with $7.8million dollars!

As women, we focus a lot on women's health and issues like breast and ovarian cancers.  It's the men's turn now!!

If you would like, please support Hubs on his moustache adventure.  Thanks!

Don't worry - we'll be taking progress shots, stay tuned!


  1. love the idea. HATE the results. i don't even think i want to see ryan this weekend. i'm too scared of what i'll see.

  2. You're right! It is men's turns. Our couches are really similar too! Hopefully mine won't be $900 to upholster thoug, I don't have near as much tufting...fingers crossed...

  3. Mr. Man grew back his goatee for fall and didn't even know about Movember! Too funny. Great to know about!

  4. You're boring. Write something new! I mean... I love you!


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