Friday, August 6, 2010

I heart giveaways

... even though I never win, let's be honest.

Okay, I know - a bit of a cop-out of a post especially since I haven't blogged about anything in a while. I promise that after this weekend, there will be some updates - some floor updates and hopefully either dining room or bathroom pictures! (Fingers crossed for motivation)

For the time being, here's a fun give-away on Kitchen Belleicious for terracotta cookware! Yeah - eco-friendly, no toxins, very efficient and dishwasher, stove, oven and microwave safe! Seriously, how can you go wrong?  (Also, you might be wondering what a vegetarian is doing following a southern-cooking blog, but I figure there must be something delicious I can adapt from the southern US to make amazing veggie dishes, right?)

This is the site for the actual manufacturer: Terra Allegra Imports.  They even have "Slightly Imperfect" ones that you can get for a fraction of the cost. Genius.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting about the giveaway! you are awesome girl and just for you have a few veggies dishes coming up when I get back from VACA! Oh and you could always try the mushroom and shrimp lasagan without the shrimp. It is seriously DIVINE! Have a great weekend!


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